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Jack Music - Demo
Reviewed: 24th April 2005

I quite like what Jack Music are trying to do, but this demo doesn't quite reach the standard I think the band can ultimately hit. The four-piece attempt to put together carefully crafted, catchy songs that don't overdose on sugar or sweetner, carrying plenty of melodies and catchy riffs without ever sounding too poppy. Their attempts at vocal harmonies are quite nice too, although they are setback by a very tinny production job which doesn't help them. Still, they are on the right lines and that's a good thing.

'Not Together, Ever' is arguably the best track and with a decent recording job, and a bit more guitar in the mix, could end up being the band's signature tune. 'Thinking of You' and 'Troubled Spots' are sadly recorded badly, meaning everything is way too low in the mix to make it standout. What you can hear, however, isn't too bad at all - especially on the latter track which sounds as though it could be a keeper if the band smooth out the rough edges. This is a demo, so you cannot expect greatness, but the band seem more than capable of crafting reasonable songs and a proper recording may well be worth checking out.


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